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Sara Joy Waste Fabric

3 Ways Sara Joy is Eco-Conscious

It would be remiss to forgo mentioning the impact the fashion industry has on our planet. I am aware of the millions of tons of waste that hit landfills each year – and it is appalling to see what fast fashion has done to increase this. I knew from the beginning launching this business I would have to be smart about introducing Sara Joy to Mother Earth – first and foremost – don’t we want this planet to be here for our children and grandchildren?  

Here are the top three ways Sara Joy is an eco-conscious business.

  1. I strive to use all waste fabric. With each production order comes leftover pieces of fabric that are normally thrown away. I make sure my factory sends them to me to repurpose, or I have them recreate into new accessories on the spot. I have used waste to create hair bows, scrunchies, lavender pouches, and braided belts. They make great gifts!



Sara Joy Scrunchies
2. Everything is digitally printed. Digitally printing artwork onto fabric uses updated technology. This requires less water, and less waste. It is unnecessary to cut screens which is wasteful, and as well there are no fabric minimums.



3. I am so proud to print my collection in limited quantities. I strive to be a zero-waste business – and this also comes from not producing in excess. I want my beautiful community to show up feeling special in a new joyful accessory – not something that everyone else has.

4. The collection is made up of 100% cotton and almost all of that is GOTS certified organic. Better for Mother Earth and feels amazing on your skin!

Sara Joy Lavender Set


The last piece to this puzzle is damages. The reality in this industry is with each order comes pieces that are damaged – whether it’s an ink blot or a fabric pull. I am so excited to brainstorm something new with these pieces and turn them into something stunning to wear and awaken joy in your wardrobe… or home! 😉 Stay tuned!


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